Creating skins |
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Creating a skin is simple. You are not limited by window size, window shape and position of elements. Also skin can be transparent. All you need is background bitmap and positions of elements written in the ini file.
Skins are stored in “Skins” subdirectory of Memory Manager. Each skin has its own subdirectory under “Skins”. Directory name is also skin name.
Memory Manager->Skins ->Default ->Classic ->Only data …
Each skin consists of two parts “main.bmp” image file and “skin.ini” ini file that holds all information about placement of the elements on the skin.
When creating a new skin, first create subdirectory under “Skins”. Then create background bitmap with buttons, captions… drawn on it and save it to that directory with name “main.bmp”. Bitmap must be true color (24 bit) and saved without RLE compression.
Than copy “skin.ini” from “Skins\Default” directory to your skin directory. Now you can edit copied “skin.ini” file with any text editor (e.g. Notepad). Remember to save it with same name and as normal textual file (not Word document or some other word processor type).
Description of “skin.ini” file parts:
[Info] Transparent=0 R=255 G=0 B=255
Info part describes transparency. If “Transparent” is 1, main window will be transparent for the parts of the bitmap that have color set in R G B keys. Transparency can be used to create windows with different shapes: circular, with rounded corners, with “holes”. You are not limited to rectangular shape.
[BarFreeMemory] PosX=15 PosY=41 Width=230 Height=16 R=0 G=0 B=255 FontName=MS Sans Serif FontSize=8 FontCharset=1 FontBold=1 FontItalic=0 ShowPercent=1 Enabled=1 StartColR=255 StartColG=255 StartColB=0 EndColR=255 EndColG=0 EndColB=0 BackColR=192 BackColG=192 BackColB=192
“BarFreeMemory” and “BarMemoryLoad” sections describe two gradient progress bars that show free memory and memory load. PosX, PosY, Width and Height describe position and size in pixels. R, G, and B are font color. Other font properties: FontSize, FontCharset, FontBold, FontItalic.
FontCharset is a number from this list:
If ShowPercent is 1, percentage will be shown on progress bar. If Enabled is 1, bar is visible, otherwise it will be invisible (not active). It is useful for removing controls and labels that you don’t want on skin.
StartColR=255 StartColG=255 StartColB=0 EndColR=255 EndColG=0 EndColB=0 BackColR=192 BackColG=192 BackColB=192
These are colors for gradient progress bar. Start and End color, and BackColor for part that is not covered with gradient.
[Chart] PosX=41 PosY=167 Width=165 Height=82 Enabled=1 Col1R=255 Col1G=0 Col1B=0 Col2R=128 Col2G=128 Col2B=128 Col3R=0 Col3G=255 Col3B=0 ColBackR=0 ColBackG=0 ColBackB=0 ColGridR=0 ColGridG=70 ColGridB=0 HorGridCount=40 VerGridCount=11
This is a section describing chart. Col1, Col2 and Col3 are colors for lines on chart (free mem, cpu and memory load). ColBack is background color. ColGrid is grid color. HorGridCount is horizontal grid count VerGridCount is vertical grid count.
[ButtonOptions] PosX=71 PosY=129 Width=54 Height=20
Describes position and size of a button. If you want to disable a button, put all keys to 0.
Buttons described in “skin.ini”:
ButtonOptions - when clicked, options are shown ButtonFree- when clicked, popup with different memory amounts is shown ButtonHelp- when clicked, help file is shown ButtonAbout- when clicked, about dialog is shown ButtonFreeDirect- when clicked, default amount of memory is freed (same as clicking on popup menu item “Free RAM now (XX MB)” ButtonExit- when clicked, application terminates
[Caption] PosX=224 PosY=3 Width=15 Height=13
This describes “Caption” position.
Areas on the main window:
Caption- When caption is clicked onto, program window can be moved same as normal application caption. Minimize - minimize button position Close - close (X) button position HomepageLink - Home page link. When clicked, opens default browser to
[LabelFreeMemory] PosX=15 PosY=26 Width=51 Height=13 R=0 G=255 B=0 FontName=MS Sans Serif FontSize=8 FontCharset=1 FontBold=0 FontItalic=0 Enabled=1 Prefix=Free RAM ( Sufix= MB ):
Describes label “LabelFreeMemory” properties (position, size, Font …). Labels write out different data on main window (free mem, cpu usage, memory size …) New properties are: Prefix - string that will be appended in front of the label Sufix - string that will be appended at the end of the label
For example “LabelFreeMemory” shows amount of free memory in megabytes with two decimal point (e.g. 75.35). With following: Prefix=Free RAM ( Sufix= MB ): Label will be written like this: Free RAM (75.35 MB ):
Labels on the main window:
LabelFreeMemory - amount of free memory in MB LabelMemoryLoad - memory load percentage LabelUptime - How long computer was turned on. This label uses “Sufix” as string for “days” LabelCPU - CPU usage percentage LabelFreePercent - amount of free memory % LabelLoadPercent - memory load percentage LabelMemoryFull - Total physical memory in MB (used on the right side of the chart) LabelMemoryHalf - Half of physical memory in MB (used on the right side of the chart) LabelMemoryZero - Shows 0 LabelPercent100 - 100 % (used on the left side of the chart) LabelPercent50 - 50 % (used on the left side of the chart) LabelPercent0 - 0 % (used on the left side of the chart)
If you don’t wand some labels to be visible, put their property “Enabled” to 0.